Where proxy do they come from and how to find them

Considering the fact that control over our online activities has tightened in recent years, many users are looking for opportunities to preserve anonymity when visiting different websites, surfing the Internet, downloading content. It is for these purposes that unknown proxy exist. The use of private servers allows:

  • To protect personal data from criminals.
  • Circumvent access restrictions to sites blocked by a territorial sign.
  • Work with a huge number of accounts in public networks, using special programs to promote accounts.
  • Log in to web sources, even if you have been banned from your main IP address.
  • Increase the speed of loading web pages due to the ability of the proxy to cache data.

It will not be difficult to purchase personal IP, however, in order to find a working option, it is worth considering – where do proxy come from? We will talk about this today. Buy high-quality individual proxy

Where do free proxy servers come from

Most Internet users do not see the point of overpaying for unknown servers, choosing to work with public proxy. Let’s figure out how such services get into free access:

  1. Some sites make public servers for advertising purposes.
  2. Internet service providers present the possibility of using free proxy at ease to their customers.
  3. Entrepreneurs want to sell individual proxy servers, however, first you should “promote” the service and recruit customers. Thus, a test period is in effect for some time – later, when a huge number of users start using free proxy, free access is closed, after which customers are offered to buy more closely tested, working servers.
  4. It is not uncommon for public IP addresses to get into the network through the fault of system managers. For example, if later the corporate server settings forgot to restrict access to it from the outside.
  5. As a result of “infection” with the virus, a computer, tablet or mobile device can also perform proxy functions whenever connected to the Internet.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options for purchasing free proxy. However, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult to find good public products. The fact is that public servers are regularly monitored by technical support experts of large web portals, after which they fall into the “black lists”. As a result, the use of such IP does not guarantee free access to the necessary sites and the protection of personal data. We raise them ourselves having our own subnets and servers.

Where to get the right proxy

If you want to insure your personal information against loss as much as possible, we recommend that you immediately purchase paid products that are characterized by most positive qualities:

  • Functionality throughout each application period.
  • The possibility to extend the validity period from a few weeks to a year.
  • High page loading speed due to data compression.
  • Ping reduction by 2-3 times.
  • Guarantee of confidentiality and free access to blocked sources.
  • A wide selection by country, version and protocol.
  • No failures in operation.
  • Compatible with all kinds of operating systems.

Please note: if you purchase proxy servers to work with multiaccounts (for example, you promote a product or service in public networks), it is desirable to use one IP for every 1-2 profiles. This approach will provide maximum anonymity and allow you to avoid blocking. It is also worth remembering that the speed of loading web pages directly depends on the location of the server. The best option would be to use proxy that are located in close proximity to your country or region.

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